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Wasn't he quitting RSD to go start some self-help company and then he never took action to do it.........?
Probably the guy I respect most in this fucked up community. Because he DOES take action and he is all but lazy, lol. And yeah, his GF is pretty hot. The guy is living the lifestyle most of the ppl here would probably kill to have, sorry to say it but its probably true.
He made a new blogpost about 2009 too:
She hot but she looks like a ghetto mexican... which means......... she was probably very easy to game...
Gaming ghetto chicks in Mexico is a joke, it's just too easy. All you need is a car and a nice outfit and have the ballsack to talk to them... you can get easy ass in Mexico I'm telling ya
just ask Jorge... he lives where I used to live.
Its kinda easy to see what guys are just hating just for the sake of it, probably because they're insecure ppl with social anxiety who've got alot of hater-aid in their body wanting to let it out on someone, and what guys are actually hating because its the fucking truth.
Tyler seems to evolved WAY MORE than any other weirdo in this fucking community, savoy anyone? mystery? NiEL STRAUZZ? And he seems to actually be out there living the dream. Living in hawaii, traveling the world.
The problem with RSD is the guys in the forums taking everything to fucking hearth and fucks it up, not really the rsd teachings per se.
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Here's an rsd teaching per se:
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here we ago again, another fanboy who thinks he's a psychologist with extreme ESP abilities to know exactly about the personal life of everyone here.
with that i actually agree, definitely positively evolved waaaaay more than those creeps, and yes, rsd teaching are ok, but the fanboys are fucked up to the core.
his girl she's not my type of looks at all. the girl on the other tyler thread actually much better according to my taste.
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LOL yeah he's full of shit self hype and exaggerations of immense proportions. but his *actual teachings* are good (blueprint). but not here to defend him, leave that to the fanboys.
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I agree that Tyler is living the dream but at his students' expense. Just like bootcamp instructors who get drunk during bootcamps or who want to "teach" men at the Playboy Mansion or Spring Break. It seems obvious to me that they're not really there to teach, as they are to pursue their own selfish interests. They just need some sucker to pay the bill.
I'll end with the classic story of a meeting between a potential client and a financial adviser/investment banker. To impress the client with his success, the banker brings him to the harbor to show off his yacht. "This here is my yacht and the ones over there belong to the bankers you met back at the office." The client responds: "Those are beautiful yachts but can you show me where your clients' yachts are."
Tyler's living the dream, but are his students/customers living the dream? Maybe they are, if you consider getting your head smashed open with a beer bottle to be living the dream.
At least Tyler has been smart enough to get what he wants out of the community.
Since the beginning he would leach off of people to help him figure out what he needed and then ditch them. Obviously he knows that sticking with Papa is a good idea because he is the c h i n e s e with the money. I don't know how much Tyler is raking in, but I'm sure it's enough for him to live well and support his lifestyle.
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Oh shut the fuck up will ya. Fanboy? Yeah, probably the most hating "Fanboy" you will find in that case.
I have been following the community for a long fucking time, yes, and I have been practising this shit since I was 18 years old (4 years by now). Ive never been some fucked up social anxiety social weirdo ALA roger-style, pretty decent normal kid (most would say) who found out about this shit and wanted to bang more chix. And as a 18year old its pretty fucking easy getting into all kinda shit.
And my "success" have been pretty damn good, not really because of all this shity techniques but because it gave me some kind of hope or something.
The nr 1 thing that this shit can give a guy is some kind of confidence to go out and practise, and with practise comes results.
Out of aaalll these guys I most say Tyler is the most "normal" and down to earth, maybe afc adam and 60yearsofchallenge too. And anyone normal in their fucking head would agree.
As I said its very obvios when someone just wanna hate for just the sake of it, and when theres some kind of legitimit reason behind it.
RSD probably fucks up alot of ppl, but it also do help some of them, probably the ones who's already decent normal ppl.
The rsd fanboys is the problem, not really the teachers.
love this part
bit of a turnaround from the party hype on the world summit page
theres just something missing from this guy , something that he doesnt get.....even all the travel pictures he puts up its like he is totally missing the point its more of a 'for show' thing (aka thriving economy etc)
I'd be disgusted with Alex to if the 4 girls looked like the one at the party
And about "Tylers skill", yeah, he is skilled, no doubt. Masses of bootcamp reviews, infield-footage on the summit, and the free workshopshit around the world confirms this. Probably more skilled than 99.99% of the ppl on this board, he also surely makes a ton of money, travels the world, evolved himself from a all-hating maniac to a pretty normal dude who just enjoys life. He also ditches all this fanzy-techniques and psychological manipulative bullshit and states that confidence is the key, which is the truth. But yeah, its too much spiritual dogma which fucks upp ppl, thats for sure. And I really hate the rsd forum which is filled with keyboard jockeys and 16year old virgins.
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I disagree.
I've never seen the other two guys but Owen Cook alias 'Tyler Durden' is a classic example of a weirdo.
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Oh well, thats your opinion. You've probably already decided you want to hate on him so, whatever you see or hear, you wont change your opinion, so whatever.
You have to give credit where credit is due...
I personally cannot stand his product, persona or what he spiels..but he has succeeded...
The bottom line is that he has amassed money, status and overall good fortune. I know of alot of guys (a ton of WWII and Korean vets did this too) that have gone overseas to find potential hotties, brought them back to the USA, dolled them up and had fun making babies. Hey God bless the guy if he can do it. If he is happy, then its all worth it - right? He is probably happier than I am right now and has a little baby to boot. Good for him...
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I have to agree with PUA, however, he's become far more normal in the last few years.
I remember when I first saw him on a David D program I dl'd a few years ago. Here was the dude who's shit I'd been reading all over masf, etc., oh shit.
Severely underwhelmed. I was like, "wait, seriously?!?! Are you fucking kidding me?" It was at that moment that I started to question everything I read and consumed from the community. Cuz looking at that dude back then, I would have been embarrassed to hang out with him.
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Yeah I know, been there done that. The guy surely have evolved alot, different person these days.
As when I look at mystery, niel etc, they seem exactly the same. Mystery have even become more creepy. Back in the 5dvd-set days he was kinda charismatic tho.
tyler is constantly shifting between being honest and down to earth and between hyping, exaggerating and being plainly full of shit. one day he's like that, one day he's like this. sometimes you read his posts or blog or listen to him talk and you're like "finally a so called guru that keeps it real, says it like it is". the next day he's like a completely different person, so full of shit that even david d sounds honest next to him.
the dude has to make up his mind. he's probably keeping his full of shit side active because it's essential to rsd's marketing. i think he can let go a little, by now the fanboys have become an autonomous entity that hypes rsd more than rsd's hired marketers do. the monster has taken a life of its own.
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So, he's living the lifestyle "most" people here would kill to have? I think it's the other way around knowing what I know. Speak for yourself fanboy. Tyler is a "professor" of pseudoscience and that is something I wouldn't ever want to be. Tyler is a lazy chubby fuck with nothing to offer anyone. Tyler D could disappear, and the world wouldn't even notice.
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Haha yeah, "you fanboy" seems to be the only shit you have in your magzine, homie.
Tyler have probably achieved much more in his life, than you. Has banged more and hotter chix, has helped ppl, have more money than you, bigger buisiness than you and probably more ppl liking him, than you.
And he is also more well know.
Now what are you, some world-hating nerd sitting on a forum and hates on ppl who are far more successfull than you? Kinda pathetic tho.
Im all for bashing the community, because 95% of it is total crap, but its just fucking annoying when forumnerds with most likely no achievements in their life sitting trashtalking guys because they're jealous.
If Im a "Fanboy" or not? Well thats about definition sir. Im kinda neutral, atleast in my own eyes. I call bullshit when I see bullshit, but I dont wanna trashtalk just because "its fun and I hate myself so I have to project it onto other ppl".
Good luck with life, mr.